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About Jane Austen's House

Jane Austen's House is an independent charity administered by the Jane Austen Memorial Trust. The house was purchased by Mr T. Edward Carpenter in 1947 with generous assistance from the Jane Austen Society.
Mr Carpenter established the Jane Austen Memorial Trust, which has run the house in Jane Austen's memory ever since.

We are self supporting, relying on admission charges, gift and book sales and grants and donations.

If you have enjoyed a visit to Jane Austen's House Museum, and/or wish to support our activities (detailed below) and would like to make a donation please telephone or write to discuss how to do this. Alternatively e-mail us using this form:

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What we do:
• Preserve Jane Austen's House Museum for the nation
• Acquire, catalogue and conserve the museum collection
• Interpret Jane Austen's life for visitors
• Work with schools to enhance understanding of Jane Austen
• Provide the best shop for Jane Austen and related titles in the country
• Respond to the needs and enquiries of Jane Austen lovers throughout the world
• Continue to adapt and develop our roles and facilities









Jane Austen's House Museum, Chawton, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SD ~ Tel: +44 (0)1420 83262
Jane Austen's House Museum © 2007

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