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About Jane Austen's House

WindowJane Austen's house is situated in the delightful village of Chawton,
1 mile south-west of Alton, Hampshire.
Click here to access an interactive map and get directions at Multimap.com

Car and Coach
From London

M25 Junction 10 onto A3 towards Guildford
Follow A3 along Guildford bypass and onto A31
Follow A31 past Farnham and Alton
At Chawton roundabout (A31/A32), Jane Austen's House is signposted

From Winchester

From M3, take A31 Junction towards Alton
Follow A31 through Ropley and Four Marks
At Chawton roundabout (A31/A32), Jane Austen's House is signposted

Coach parking bays are provided in the village car-park opposite the museum.

Public Transport
From London
Trains from London (Waterloo), run hourly to Alton.
Bus connection (Route X64) from Alton Railway Station to Alton Butts then a 12 minute walk down Winchester Road into Chawton village.

From Winchester
There is an hourly bus service from Winchester Bus Station - it is Route X64 - alight at Alton Butts and then walk (12 minutes) into Chawton.

Cycling (secure parking on request)



Jane Austen's House Museum, Chawton, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SD ~ Tel: +44 (0)1420 83262
Jane Austen's House Museum © 2007

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