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About Jane Austen's House

Our services to schools involve both visits to the House Museum and
downloadable resources.

Downloadable resources are available here

Services which are available from the House Museum are:

Key Stage 1

Teachers' Pack (Only available through our Shop)
• Images, Activities and Resources to use in the classroom
• Real and replica objects for handling and display

School visit by staff member

Visit to Jane Austen's House

• Dress in period costume
• Tour of the house
• Writing workshop

Optional: Dance workshop at Chawton House

Gifted and Talented Programme, years 7-9
All at Jane Austen's House Components of visit:

- Philosophical enquiry using Jane Austen letters
- Textual analysis
- Research using Jane Austen's House and reference library
- Script writing
- Choosing location
- Acted scene (either here or to be developed further in school)

GCSE and 6th Form

Choose from all or some of the following...

At Jane Austen's House

• PowerPoint presentation on background to Jane Austen
• Tour of house
• Workshops relating to dress, manners and use of herbs
• Handling of real objects

At Chawton House Library

• Dance workshop in replica clothes
• Short Tour of ground floor rooms
• Talk in the library


Games Table







Jane Austen's House Museum, Chawton, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1SD ~ Tel: +44 (0)1420 83262
Jane Austen's House Museum © 2007

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